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Best CRM For Travel Agency

A-One Travel and Tourism CRM Software in Dubai is perfectly designed for the travel industry’s needs.
Streamline your workflow and increase your business with 30X Growth

a black and white circle with a magnet and a person with a person in the middle

Automate leads capture option

a black and white circle with a key

unlimited user access

a group of people in a circle

Lead management

a logo of a phone in a circle

WhatsApp integration

a phone logo in a circle

Auto-dialer calling system

a black bell on a white circle


a black and white logo

Call tracking and recording

Track team performance

Track team performance

Travel CRM Software Solutions

A-One Travel & Tourism CRM Software developed for travel industries to manage their business operation smoothly and effectively. Our travel CRM system is very convenient to use. We understand the needs of the travel industry and designed CRM in such a way as to fulfill the needs of travel industries. 

It includes many features like capturing auto leads from different sources, reminders, and follow-up, boosting calling efficacy, call recording option, auto quote generation, Automation and workflow management, API integration, Enhanced Customer Service, generating performance reports as per travel agent track conversation rate, and real-time reporting. As the best travel CRM, our system ensures efficiency and effectiveness.

a cartoon of a woman and a woman sitting at a desk

Key Features of Our A-One Travel Agency CRM Software

Auto-lead Capture & Management

Capture auto leads from different sources and distribute leads to sales agents for fast connectivity. This way, close more deals immediately, monitor conversion rates, store communication history, and auto-create client profiles.

Follow-up Call Reminders

If you’re not following up on time with customers and leads, you will lose deals. Our A-One Travel Management system ensures you never miss a follow-up or alert notification for scheduled calls and meetings. Stay on top of all queries, payments, and follow-ups with our advanced query management feature. Get alerts for unattended queries and never miss a beat

Boost Calling with the Autodialer Option

With our Autodialer system, your travel agent (Salesperson) can directly call customers through a web application, increasing the number of calls and ensuring fast communication with customers.

One Click Quotation Builder CRM

Create and send quotations to clients quickly with just a single click using our full-fledged automatic travel CRM.

Automation and Workflow Management

Streamline your data management, manage workflows, and ensure all tasks are completed on time. Receive notifications for automating repetitive tasks.

Supplier Management

Track suppliers, manage their contracts, and booking details efficiently.

Automatic Call Recording System

Automatically record conversations of travel agents to monitor how they interact with customers. This helps in tracking and improving your team's efficiency.

Invoice, Vouchers & Payment

Automatically generate invoices and collect payments through a payment gateway


API Integration with other software such as booking software, payment gateway, accounting software, WhatsApp API, and our CRM can also connect to third-party APIs.

Multi-level Real-Time Reporting

Get data-driven real-time insights on important metrics such as daily travel reports, collection reports, sales performance, accounting, and finance, and measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

Benefits of using Our Travel CRM for Travel Agencies Business.

Using our travel CRM System enhances overall performance, improves customer services, and achieves sustainable growth. Here are the key benefits.

Enhanced Customer Service:

Access to customer profile including travel history and performance, Instant response to customer in one place.

Increased Efficiency:

It reduces manual work and errors and increases staff work efficiency.

Better Sales and Marketing:

Auto leads capture, track leads, increase leads conversation rate, personalize marketing campaigns, send targeted email campaigns, promotional messages, etc.

Enhanced Data Management:

Store all customer database and booking information in one place to be easily accessible, improving data accuracy.


Export different types of reports in a single click to enhance overall business strategy for management decision-making.

a man sitting at a desk with a laptop and a globe

    Get a Demo

    Frequently Asked Questions

    A Travel Agency CRM such as an A-One CRM system designed specifically to meet the needs of travel agencies and tour operators to streamline and enhance travel business operations.

    Our ALL-IN-ONE Travel CRM system enhances business operations. Here is how
    a) It keeps all your customer details in one place.
    b) The Booking Management system simplifies bookings for hotel rooms, flight tickets, rental cars, or tour packages.
    c) You can personalize services for individual customers delivering better experiences.
    d) Easily communicate with customers through WhatsApp, calls, emails, SMS, etc
    e) Easily collect customer feedback to improve the services.
    f) It improves overall business operation efficiency.
    g) Through our CRM system you can do targeted marketing campaigns.
    h) Will ease your workflow as our system integrates with all other travel tools and software.
    i) It provides comprehensive insights into your business performance, for decisions making.

    A CRM is important for any travel industry because of the following reasons:
    1. Understanding Customers:
    2. Efficient Communication
    3. Marketing
    4. Customer Retention
    5. Data Management
    6. Improved Sales

    Can I customize the CRM for my specific travel services?

    Yes, our CRM can be accessed through mobile apps such as IOS and Android.

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